About Our Club

Who Are We?
Our club provides competitive and social netball opportunities for all participants who want to play, umpire or coach, and we welcome all ages and levels of ability.
We value friendship, community spirit, teamwork and respect of all members - from players and officials to parents, spectators and friends.
Our volunteers and Life Members are active and engaged members in our organisation, and we are grateful for their outstanding contributions to the development of netball with us.

Inclusive Uniform
In 2023, Prestons Netball Club expanded the uniform range. In the name of adaptability and flexibility, we offer a range of uniform options to allow players to participate in comfort.
This was made possible by the NSW Government, who offered us a grant to implement our inclusive uniform policy. This made it possible for us to reduce uniform costs for our members. We thank the NSW Government for their generosity and support of community sport.
Our full uniform range, including our spectator hoodie, is available at thenetballshop.com.au.
To see some of our uniform options in action, click on an image in the gallery below.
The History of Prestons Netball Club
The year was 1968. It all started with a conversation between the dedicated spectators of Prestons Cricket and Football Clubs, initiated by the women. They were a part of what was then known as Prestons Junior Sports Association (PJSA). They saw a need; they wanted their own sporting club, their own environment to create memories and their own opportunity to learn valuable skills. Like all great adventures, an idea became reality; it was thanks to the work of Roy and Barry Downs, Barbara Potter, Iaan Long, Billy Merchant and Pat Kusack, that Prestons Hornets Netball Club began. There were challenges to this new netball enterprise, however, we were fortunate to be enriched with generosity since one of the first meetings held at Prestons Public School in the 1960’s. At this meeting it was suggested that the club be called ‘Prestons Sports Club’ and that it adopt the school’s colours of maroon and gold. One of the topics discussed in General Business was financing equipment, with the raffles providing some funds, but nowhere near what was required to get the club started. A local businessman from the back of the room asked: “How much do you need to get things started?” When the reply of 200 pounds was given, he countered: “I will give you £400, and please let me know if you need any more”. This man’s name was Bob Ingham. The strength of Prestons Netball Club has always been its generous volunteers, from the pure passion of Judith and Hugh Kerigan, to the long-lasting presidency of Angie Clarkson. Over the years our uniform has changed from the old, yellow, pleated netball skirt and collared t-shirt, to the new look top and skirt, to an A-line dress, to a range of inclusive uniform options in 2023. Despite this evolution, the club has always stayed true to the colours maroon and gold. Prestons has always welcomed a vast variety of nationalities to netball, embraced by the club whether they had knowledge of netball or not. This spirit of community and sporting inclusivity is due to the tremendous support, hard work and loyalty from our members during our many years. As a small, family-oriented club there are tremendous opportunities for our members. Players are able to experience continual growth with Prestons. We develop our members not only as players but also as coaches, umpires, team managers and even committee members. Many Prestons players started their netball journey in the Net-Set-Go age group and have played through to the senior grades. Prestons Netball Club has a legacy of training and developing young players not just in their netball skills, but also in community service and sportsmanship. Many club members still remember training at our home ground at Jardine Park, and playing at the Collingwood Netball Courts. Prestons Netball Club honours its proud tradition by participating in the annual March Pass as the oldest existing club within the Liverpool Association. As a club with a strong focus on enjoyment, it is also an amazing feat to have had several premiership teams throughout the years. In 2023, Prestons Netball Club was home to over 100 registered players of all ages and abilities. It is a delight to see our players enjoying the wonderful sport of netball, from our littlest net-set-go players (just beginning their netball journey) to our veterans, who have played this game for decades. Our club is proud of each and every one. We are always excited to welcome new players to our Prestons Netball family. We look forward to having you with us as we continue to honour the principles set by the passionate founders of our club. Prestons Netball Club will always nurture, develop and create a fun environment for people to play netball in Western Sydney.

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Any questions?

Lisa Young
Lisa Young is the president of Prestons Netball Club, and has served in this role since 2018 (?).

Emma Christie
Vice President
Emma is our club's Vice President.

Amanda Robinson
Amanda serves as our club Treasurer.

Carolyn Gorrey
Carolyn is our club secretary.

Emily Swallow
Emily is the club Registrar. She manages registration of players and teams for Prestons Netball Club.

Zoe Cepar
Umpires Convenor
Zoe manages the allocation and training of umpires for our club.

Elizabeth Swallow
Uniform Officer
Liz is our Uniform Officer. She assists with all uniform enquiries and purchases.

Lisa Young
Equipment Officer
Lisa manages the equipment for all the teams playing for Prestons.

Samantha Bowler
Fundraising Convenor
Samantha manages and organises all fundraising efforts for Prestons Netball Club.

Robyn Padt
Publicity Officer
Robbie is just a fantastic chick really.

Wendy Burns & Emily Swallow
Wendy and Emily represent Prestons Netball Club at LCNA meetings.